Georgia May Jagger
Sian Superman

Sian Superman

The Best Art I've Seen for.. a While
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy's new website has revealed some wonderful outsider art. Lou Reed, Bono, Yves Saint Laurent [who looks like Max Wall], the Obamas [pictured] and many more are cleverly disguised by a talented Outsider artist who claims to be someone other than Carla, but who might just be Nicholas' missus filling in the down-time between visiting boring embassies. This is exceptional stuff and needs to be given a, erm, smaller audience. Oh.
Madonna for Louis Vuitton

Latest Nixey - NOW SOLD!
Sian Superman

More static elegance and timeless mystery in the form of Sarah Nixey painting two. Standing tall, Sarah gazes out fondly, and yet with glacial remove. The second portrait carries more allure, and more enigmatic knowingness than ever before. The art is painted in acrylics (24cms x 30 cms) and is £80 inc. UK P&P if you're interested. Email here for Paypal details and even worldwide shipping prices. [Numbered 2 out of 2.]
Eddie Argos Painting Unveiled
Sian Superman

Aha! Fresh from the brush, is the latest in the Insider Outsider pantheon (or panther) - Mr Eddie Argos from Art Brut and a lion. Painted in the style of something, this picture captures the essence of man and beast. The man, alone - contemplates the big cat - also alone. But the man has one cry - 'eddie argos'. For it is he.
If you are interested in owning this work please contact me here... it is £100 inc. UK P&P, by Paypal if possible. It is 30cms x 40cms and painted in acrylics.
As with the "Bad Vibes' paintings, I am painting 'readymades' [copies] of up to 40 - each is original (not a print etc.)
"Its making me wish I owned a Lion": Mr Argos.
Offer closed...
Sian Superman
On all Luke Haines artwork. Thanks for your support. Watch this space.
Last Orders
Sian Superman

Thanks for all the orders of the MR LUKE HAINES Bad Vibes pictures.
As these works are 'limited edition" you will need to place your Last Orders 11.10pm UK time, Friday 3rd July. Please email me if you would like one. (NB It will not actually say "last chance!" on it unless required.) There will be no more in this series after this point.
Watch our for further artworks - including Eddie Argos and a lion - and many more to be announced.
Important News
I am so proud to announce that the newest rapscallion in the Pantheon of Insidery, Spidery, Outsidery Art will be Eddie Argos from 'mazin' punkies Art Brut. Eddie has personally - and advancingly - approved to have his portrait painted standing next to the King of Roarers, a lion. This painting has not actually been started yet but it will be soon. Come back to find out more.This is Outsider Nixey
The restless Sarah Nixey - the golden-tonsilled chanteuse from Black Box Recorder, gazes out and meets the viewer's eyes. Square on. Undeterred and powerful... yet still wanting.
Inspired by Chaim Soutine, this acrylic painting (24cms x 30 cms) captures the Outsider Nixey from the album cover "The Facts of Life". BBR logo in corner. So far, 1 of 1. May stretch to 2. £80, Paypal is the option. Email here for details.
As approved by Miss Nixey herself.
We Told You The Truth About Rock n Roll
Sian Superman

Here is a small selection, just to tantalise, of four different visions of the enigma that is so often our bard Luke Haines. Picture 1 sees him smart and noble. The next shouts a contrary tale. Another sees a cheeky lean towards the viewer and the sky darken accordingly while the next shows our hero relaxing - buttonhole in place - enjoying the view. Every painting is more placid and yet momentous as our story unfolds.
As one happy customer across the pond puts it: "the eyes are little pools of contempt, but his humanity is also there, in the pant leg".
This art is selling like proverbial Outsider hot cakes - warm too - and if you don't snap yours up while the paint is still drippy on the canvas, then it may be too late. These works will not be around forever.
£100 each inc. uK p&p. Paypal preferred. Email here for more glancey information.
Normal Service Resumed
Sian Superman
"John Superman" had a few good days but Sian is back. However, watch out for JS paintings on the site in the future.
Change of name
Sian Superman
I was looking at some photographs of CBGBs today, on the web, as there is some sort of Proud Galleries exhibition coming up in London. Half of these people were called 'Johnny' [Thunders, Blitz, Ramone etc] and then there's Patti Smith's 'the boy looked at Johnny'. Well, I thought. New York in the 70s. Interesting.The anglicised version, of course, is John. And as I have a head cold and am feeling rather peculiar I came round to thinking, hm, John Superman may just be a good name for an artist. So today I am going to refer to myself as John. John Superman, Outsider Artist.
New Artwork
Hello, my name is Siân Superman and I am an outsider artist. Outsider art means pictures with no formal technique, no acceptable lineage, no shop-bought aesthetic. The wonderful Stella Vine, for instance, is an Outsider artist. Banksy is not. The paintings “by” Tony Hancock in the best film of all time The Rebel are Outsider Art. The stuff of Damien Hirst is not. It is important to be an Outsider. It stops you being an asshole. (Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole.)And thus onto the subject of today.
You may have heard the work of a gentleman called Luke Haines, the notorious songwriter, with bands such as The Auteurs, Black Box Recorder, Baader Meinhof and of course, by his own nom de non-plume, Luke Haines. He is known throughout the world as a despot, a soothsayer, a perspicacious visionary. (By the way, I am married to this man.)
And so, as if pushed into a corner by a very large baboon, I have new paintings for sale, inspired by the cover of 'Bad Vibes', Haines’ memoir. The “dark destroyer” is portrayed here in all his brooding glory, with the heavy clouds of doom in the background and a martini in his hand. He glowers with knowing nihilism as the shutter clicks, and paintbrush flicks and a new artwork is borne. Therefore, here is picture 1:

Picture 2 features our fiery fiend as a disembodied head, one filled with menace and sarcasm – a gigantic two fingers [not pictured] to the world. “Bad Vibes” is also its name and such is its game. Here it is:

The paintings are in acrylic paint, on canvas, and measure 16" by 12".
Copies will be limited up to 40. Each one will be slightly different, not intentionally, but rather sensationally. (Outsiders have no truck with things being exactly the same.)
The paintings are £100 each and that includes UK postage & packing. Anywhere else in the world, please email for a postage price. Paypal works best. Click here to email.
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