1975 David [Bowie]
Sian Superman
This is 1975 David [Bowie]. I've been painting some 1975 Davids for the past couple of weeks - some of which have been very small - some of which have been quite detailed - and here is one of them. The hair had to take centre stage, so to speak.
I tried that hairdo myself some years ago. but it didn't really work. I think it would look a bit shit if I tried to do it again, like some sort of Tilda Swinton effigy or... similar. (I was going to write "Worzel Gummidge" then thought, no, it wouldn't look like Worzel Gummidge.
But then I think, yes, it probably would.)
So this is David. And he is mysterious, because he hasn't really got a face. Or at least features.
David (detail)
This artwork is painted in acrylics and measures 25 x 25 cm. Limited to two. Only.
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