#livedraw TONIGHT England V Holland n That Maybe

Hello -
Tonight's the night - for making it right. Or something. I don't know.
But it's the England V Holland friendly on actual real telly tonight, the sort of thing that I like drawing – so after a hiatus of FUCKING YEARS (almost) I'm going to draw the football. And Wayne "Pundit" Rooney's head. And Anyone Else. Jon Savage. Jeremy Corbyn. Tutankhamun. Kung Fu Panda.
So - keep it here for updates, but actually just keep it Twitter.
I've just dropped a whole bottle of wine in the supermarket. And I'm off to spray paint some Fabriano paper.

I have drawn Wayne Rooney. I am drawing the match now (20.34 BST)

First half - watercolour on paper, A3 size

Second half - watercolour on paper, A3 size

Rooney, Portrait of a Statesman - sketch

ROONEY - Postcard size, watercolour on paper. One of One.

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