Trout Mask Replica - Postcard Art

Hello time-travellers. Welcome to the latest instalment in the show we call Art.
And what an Art is has been. 
Here we depict the singular force of Mr C. Beefheart, a literal rendition, nothing like the tormented bloodrush of his own raw artworks. We're not as good as that. 
But here! It's Trout Mask Replica painted in acrylics, on canvas board. B holds up a fish "visor". There's layers and layers of metaphor to that so I'm not even going to go into it, preferring to say: this is art, get used to it. Buy it. Love it. Cook with it.

The painting, stands.

The detail, waves.

A warm fuzzy feeling of horses hooves over the top of your hat as Captain smiles warmly at you, yes, you, yes you you you, with his trout pout.

This is painted, as mentioned, on 18cm x 13cm canvas board in sexy acrylics. Limited to TEN cos it's well good and ten sounds quite vibey. As a number. Please ask any questions if you have to before ordering. UK post first class signed for. Scroll down PayPal menu for International options.

Nico - Chelsea Girl Artwork

Hello, and welcome to Outsider Christmas Art once more where we, the people that bought you quite a lot of paintings of David Bowie, have painted our first lady of the series.
A woman, full of care. A woman, probably full of a lot of drugs. It's Nico, the flaxen-haired Teuton (?), as much a behemoth as she is a monolith of Germanic Foghorn Sulk Rock.
Thoughtful, never playful

She stares at the ground, wallowing in the sort of thoughts you or I would not dare to entertain. She thinks about Lou, she thinks about that French bloke she had a child with, she thinks about Dark Stuff because she is all women and women are a bit mysterious.

This size is handy to carry around


This artwork is done as a series of 20 multiples, painted on 18 x 13cm canvas board and are sent first class recorded. They can be easily framed and hung on the wall or "propped up" on a shelf or passing psychoanalyst. They are quite friendly and require little or no feeding. Any questions, please use the contact form.

NEW! David Bowie - "Heroes" Artwork

We could be heroes... just for one day - but why not... for a little bit more? On a wall or in a shelf? In the hallway or the airing cupboard? Let's face it, we can be heroes as and when we please with this piece of outsider art. And then some.

Here is Mr Bowie, from the cover of the 1977 album. He has his left hand up in the air. He is deep in darkest thought; he looks like a statue. He is a hero, of course, but a flawed one. Mr David, tell us your secrets... swim with the dolphins, stand by the wall.


Mr D B on a stand.

Here is a square artwork this time, 20 cm x 20cm on canvas board.
I, I will be king and you, you will be queen... and this will again be limited to 20 multiples, all painted to order. It's £49 inc. first class "signed for" UK p&p. Please scroll PayPal button for international options. 
Thanks and thanks again.
Images copyright: Sian Superman. Please do not use without permission. Powered by Blogger.