Wedding Announcement/Howard Donald Outsider Art
Sian Superman
It's not often a Royal Wedding is announced, even rarer that a Super Injunction is lifted from a member of senior boy band Take That. But yesterday, that happened: Kate 'n' William; Howard Donald 'n' the Law. Here is thoughtful Howard, thinking about his bad deeds, as HRHRHRH William and Kate Moss frolick sensually in the background. Congratulations to all.
OM - Promo Film
Sian Superman
A stop-motion short film to promote Luke Haines' Outsider Music. Watch the plasticine figure fly.
Sex Dog etc.
Sian Superman
Trawling through the detritus - well, a spare drive - I found some images of very old artwork.Obviously deranged, but temptingly so and delectably stoopid. A rock n roll sex dog and a really odd nudey lady. What larks indeed in the troubled mind of a youngish person. And that's just the lady in the picture, eh. ONE DAY THIS STUFF WILL BE KNOWN. Ish.
A Bookmark, Blogged
Sian Superman
Click here for 'Knit for Victory' blog about a bookmark I made a very long time ago.... Would You Like A Job?
Sian Superman

The latest in the moveable world of pen 'n' ink to canvas, ie the smooth-swiftly version of 'would you like a job?' picture which was a special commission for this outsider artist. Thanks to Glenn! It's in the post.
cheryl cole II
Sian Superman
This is the second in maybe the pointless cheryl cole triptych. See her gaze out in designer clothes, into the eyes of the viewer, who may or may not be interested.
Sian Superman
i have drawn my hangover, now these are two migraine headaches.the first is quite horrible and spikey, but invariably enthusiastic.
Underneath Art
Sian Superman
Art found underneath black card in a secondhand frame.Look at the wonderful boats, the sense of longing, the vast island in the background which speaks of yearning and destruction.
Time to put it back in its frame and herald its mastery.
I am now on the look out for more 'underneath art'... watch this space.
Found Art in Street
Sian Superman

Framed Rothko print (unless it was a well-disguised original) this morning, in quite a decent frame, NW5. Almost quite unbelievable that the person should have thought this please-all piece far too much for their home. Or perhaps they thought that the colours suited the outside on a shitty March morning much better. Which actually makes it - Outside Art. Needless to say, within moment (ie when I went back for it) it had gone - to become Inside Art once more, I presume.
Two days ago I found this:

New *Painting* of a Hangover

Outsider Art in Bin
Sian Superman

Drawing a Hangover
Sian Superman
Sometimes I draw my hangover. This was a particularly nasty one in Wales, last year:

This one is the hangover I would have had, if I'd been bothered to drink the night before:

Prada Girls
Sian Superman

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