Changing Sites

UPDATE: This is now all done, new RA site is up! At Raw Art, we constantly strive to make life difficult, unproductive and less profitable. To that end we have changed web hosting, spent weekends re-designing the web site (to make it look almost exactly the same) and similar trifles....

New Kentish Town Map!

Fully updated.  Available at the new Raw Art sit...


More in resin! "Fake News" and "Oh Dear" "Free Melania" (quite controversial that one) and "Power to the People" Originals pre-plasticky stuff He'll see you in court etc SOLD More to follow! Unless we are inundated with more Fake News! Will sell to you esp if you work...

Robert Wyatt - Original Gold Leaf Watercolour

Hello! It's a cold cold day here at Raw Art Towers, the birds are squeaking outside and little chickens are warming themselves by the radiator. It's the kind of day where the skies stay silent and brood over the ridiculous world and look a bit menacing and all that. But without actually...

Style Council Artwork

The Style Council, á Paris. Painted on cardboard, this is a colourful depiction of Mr Weller and Mr Talbot hanging out near the Eiffel Tower, wondering whether it's nippy enough to put their jumpers back on. Talbot's thinking about a having nice cold beer and maybe watching some chic...

Richard Hell

Happy New Year, if it's still all right to say that.  I have been listening to quite a lot ("quite a lot" - not very committal is it) of Richard Hell in the first couple of weeks of the year. Made sense to me. And I wanted to paint him and listen while I painted. Music that...

Thoughtful Davids

Today is David Bowie's birth date. David!  Dave Dave Dave!!  Anyway. I thought I'd paint the thin white duke 1976 David, who always looks quite cocky in the photos of the live shows - strutting n posing n holdin' skulls and that. Maybe it was the jaunty waistcoat. Maybe...

Happy New!

Raw Art wishes you a Happy New Year. Maybe it won't be as weird as 2016. Lots of love, RAW ART siân superman xxx ...
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